About Dr. Stetter ITQ

Make – Do not talk

The digital revolution forces companies to develop totally new products in a very short period of time.

A very effective approach to get new ideas and to produce first prototypes very fast are the so-called Makeathons. We already have run different Makeathons around Europe with senior engineers coming from companies as well as students coming from all over the world and from different disciplines.

Green Island Makeathon

A good example for our effort in this field was the Green Island Makeathon. It tooks place in September 2016 and was attended by young engineers and students from Austria, Germany, Italy, Spain and Indonesia. This event lasted 4 days. During this time participants formed teams and developed their own ideas. But all of them had a common goal: to transform Gran Canaria into a smart, green and innovative island.

After only 4 days the teams could demonstrate stunning prototypes of their projects focused on smart farming, smart mobility, connected systems and electrical cars. They not only had a great time but also learned a lot about modern technology and teamwork.

Crazy Thinking

In the context of Industry 4.0, and with a tendency for everything to be connected, new approaches to development need to be used.

Therefore, all of our solutions are meant for this new industrial era. We know greatness cannot be accomplished using traditional methods. As a result, all of our visionary achievements are the consequence of brainstorming and thinking outside the box.

Because we believe we can make a difference.


Dr. Stetter ITQ is a company focused on innovation, serving as a laboratory of new ideas. Our main goal is researching on promising topics such as Smart Homes, Green Energy and Autonomous Driving. Also, we are especially concerned about education, which is the reason why we put so much effort in organizing events and workshops for both local and international students.

It’s essential for us to train people for the upcoming digital revolution.

Smart Green Island Projects

Solar Golf Car

The Solar Golf Car is a project with the aim to integrate more sustainability into golf courses. This is possible through Smart & Green Energy instead of electric power.

Bamboo Solar Car

Our main goal with the Bamboo Solar Car was to create a sustainable and innovative mobility option that is particularly suitable for regions with weak or non-existing infrastructure.

Solar Car Botswana

For promoting topics such as Smart & Green Mobility and Education 4.0 the innovative Solar Car Botswana Project was developed – in Botswana for all of Africa.


With the help of digitalization and artificial intelligence, our aim is to counteract the worldwide enormous plastic pollution and to protect our nature.


By developing automatic robotic and control system, we can solve existing problems in agriculture with innovative solutions and make agriculture more sustainable.

Sandwich Robot

The use of real industry hardware gives young talents the opportunity to realize their ideas and improve their education and skills in a creative way.